Arthritis pain can be disabling and patients are looking for answers.

Most medical practices that treat arthritis guide patients through conservative treatments with the end goal that joint replacement surgery will be the final step. At Southcoast, we take the opposite approach, using every option available to help patients avoid joint surgery. This includes Medicare-covered options that often work, like newer Hymovis hyaluronic acid.

In cases where nothing seems to help, we believe research is showing the treatment of knee arthritis with cell therapy can help. Southcoast Medical is the only local  provider of autologous cell therapy. Many in-office options exist, including the new Arthrex bioplasty procedure.

We recognize that this approach is very new and different. In our online seminars we give a short summary of the options we offer, how they can help, what is involved, and how quickly patients may find relief.

If you would like more information, sign up and our staff will contact you with the next available seminar.