4 Ways Knee Pain Affects Your Daily Life

Knee pain is a frequent ailment among individuals of all ages. Knee discomfort can be caused by an injury, such as a torn ligament or cartilage. Knee discomfort can also be caused by medical disorders such as arthritis, gout, and infections. People affected by knee pain often face difficulty in their everyday life. Below are a couple of ways in which knee pain affects everyday life.


Falls are the most common effect of knee discomfort. Falls, especially in the elderly, can cause serious damage, disability, and even death. Fall injuries can take a long time to heal. They frequently require therapy before they can return to their normal lives. Falls can occur during routine tasks such as bathing or cleaning for those suffering from knee discomfort. Anyone with difficulties walking owing to knee discomfort must take precautions to avoid falling.


Arthritis is the most common cause of knee discomfort. Arthritis is characterized by swelling and discomfort in one or more joints. The most common symptoms are joint discomfort and stiffness, which increase with age. The two main types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on a joint’s cartilage — the tough, slippery covering on the ends of bones that form a joint. The body’s immune system targets the lining of the joint capsule, a thick membrane that encloses all joint elements in rheumatoid arthritis. This lining swells and becomes irritated.

Depression and Anxiety

Knee discomfort can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health. Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent symptoms. Furthermore, patients with arthritis and depression have more functional limits, are less likely to stick to their treatment regimens, and are more likely to acquire other health issues. Chronic stress caused by knee discomfort has been shown to alter chemical levels in the brain and nervous system. Stress hormones and neurochemicals impact a person’s mood and behavior. It also upsets the body’s chemical equilibrium, leading to depression in certain people.

Difficulty Walking

Knee discomfort caused by direct damage or injury to the lower extremities causes weakness, making walking physically difficult. The knee muscles’ absence of flexibility and strength also impacts alignment and gait. These mechanical factors can alter how you walk and generate symptoms of walking difficulty. It also limits the ability of affected people to perform physical activities that involve the use of the knee, such as running, jogging, climbing the stairs, etc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among adults in the United States with doctor-diagnosed arthritis, 4.8 million report having difficulty climbing stairs.

Knee pain adversely affects the daily life of those affected by it. That said, many treatment regimens that incorporate medication and exercise can help bring relief to people living with knee pain. Give us a call today for more information.