STEM CELL….Your cells or donated cells?

Stem Cell Desriptions

Stem cells are cells that have not yet matured and retain the ability to become more than one type of cell.  This potential gives us the ability to use the cells for healing.

There are different types of stem cells.

  • Totipotent cells …. can become any cell type in body or placenta tissue.   These are only very early embryonic cells
  •  Pluripotent cells can become any cell in the body, these are typically embryonic cells
  •  Multipotent cells, can become many cell types but not all, these are adult stem cells and cord blood cells

So with both cord blood cells and adult stem cells being similar in types of potency, which one is best.

Allogenic Stem Cells (donor cells)

Donor stem cells are called allogenic stem cells. These typically come from cord blood of a normal healthy birth.  Most of the Regenerative Procedures in the U.S. done today are done by chiropractors with these cells.  There is very little to do except take the cells from their liquid nitrogen transport medium, and inject.  So far we believe these cells to be very safe.  They are expensive, and the FDA has called for clear studies to assess:

  • risk of rejection
  • risk of unwanted biological expression
  • toxicity
  • risk of neoplasm

At present, there is little evidence for concern, however there are some researchers who suggest cell viability in the liquid nitrogen is poor and there may be few stem cells in the final product.

To read more extensively about this access the paper, Risk Factors in the development of Stem Cell Therapy.

Autologous Stem Cells (your own cells)

Some physicians choose to use only autologous cells, or cells which come from your own body. These cells obviously are from you already, so there is little risk.

These cells are called mesenchymal stem cells and are able to become many different types of tissue and are often used for cartilage, bone and soft tissue injury.

FDA comments

In 2017 the FDA commented on the use of stem cells. Both ALLOGENIC and AUTOLOGOUS  procedures are now allowed, but the FDA is calling for more research on donated cells. This grace period runs until the fall of 2020, at which point the FDA will again comment.

Which Cells are the best for me?

At Southcoast Regenerative Medicine we think the autologous cells are most commonly the best to use. The risk involved is extremely small, with complications rare, and there is no risk of cell rejection or problems from cells donated from another source.

There may be cases in which allogenic (donor) cells are best, and in those cases we will guide the patient to the best decision for them.



